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oh boy this was horrible(in a good way) got me scared alot and uncertain of everything!


Fun game!

The game is very interesting. I admit that games with the mechanics of finding anomalies are very challenging for me, but I still like the atmosphere.

can you add linux?

I will try to add today.



Hey! I add your game in IGDB (Internet Game DataBase) [], and now is searchable in Twitch category! My friend Matt_cmx2 did 3 livestreaming on your game, and soon there will be also videos on his YouTube channel.

Thanks a lot!

How do you reveal the ip or the tag for multiplayer

(1 edit)

Press on the keyboard key in [ ] shown. It's "O" to reveal IP and "P" to reveal tag

Uhm, so I'm not sure if it's just us, but my friends and I have no base floor (as in the floor with no anomalies to give us a reference to what can be considered an anomaly), and we couldn't figure out the control to revive people. Please address this.

(1 edit)

I would suggest to turn on "Show Hints" option in settings, it will tell you which anomalies you miss (I don't know why I didn't turn it on by default, but probably will do it on next update). Revive is holding "E"

em portgues ainda,muito obrigado por traduzir o jogo

We have now made it to floor 1 3 times. The first two times there was a wall blocking our way and the third time there was none and we made it. What determines whether there is a wall there or not?

There's a wall if there's anomaly on first floor.


Amazing game! I played this live on stream and you won't belive the reactions it got! also it was part of my 3 random horror games series its the last game I played!!

Horror Ponds, Please add linux download

I will add it, but I won't be able to test if it works properly.

can you add linux?

I couldn't beat it but, It Definitely is a fun game man 


I Want More, It Was Really Good.


LOTS of Funny Moments on this Game




pls how to pla multiplayer


pretty good game.  wish the elevator was a safe spot though lol 


Was a very fun game.


Fun time with friends!

Es muy entretenido jugarlo con amigos, todo lo que es el gameplay, voz, efectos visuales y fluidez del juego esta super bien hecho. Es un poco confuso el adivinar las anomalias que tengan relación con el ambiente, como las luces de color rojo o las tuberias. ----SPOILER---- Con mis amigos llegamos al piso uno pero no supimos que hacer con la puerta que detras de ella estaba la muralla y al seleccionar anomalia nos llevo al octavo piso. Pero bueno nos entretuvimos mucho jugando. Tiene mucho potencial :)

Meh, Anomalies are hard to spot, the enemies are op. meh


Maybe, but here's why I made it this way: 1. You are playing together with 5 players, so it makes it 5 times faster to find anomalies. 2. Enemies are also easier when you're playing as 5 stack, because you can revive your friends. And all enemies have an easy counter to them except butcher.

But for solo there are also ways to make the game easier for you: enable hints in settings (will tell you which anomalies you miss) and play in easy mode without monsters.


This game had me on edge the entire time! Amazing graphics, amazing quality, great gameplay, and an amazing game overall! I would highly recommend this to any horror fan!

How to play with frieds? tried joining and its all telling us connection failed..


There are currently issues with European region servers. Try to use US or Asia regions.
If there's still an issue, maybe VPN will help (I'm using AWS servers, it can be blocked in some countries)

same prblm

pls fix this

like to move


this sucks well kinda but the mouse is inverted and idk how to change it  fix that!

How do you counter the man with the axe? My friend and I keep getting stuck on him lol


Either 1. hide in locker, wait until he goes back into doors. 2. listen carefully where he's at all times and try to be at distance from him. When he starts chasing you, you can run away from him no problem if you have full stamina


great game we were a little confused on what we were doing but still gave us quite the scare also i hate this man vibe17

how were you able to join friends games? wouldnt let me or my friends joi

NVM we're just dumb lmao


My Thoughts:

Good game all in all. My only complaint is the general understanding of the game. We went in assuming it was like exit 8, you see anomaly u go back, you see nothing bad you go forward. It would seem that maybe we were supposed to find them and THEN go back? not sure. There was also a glitch that pushed us 4 whole levels forward. not sure how we got that to happen lol.

Thank you for playing<3 So you don't need to record anomalies. Just like in exit 8, you either press button up when there's anomaly on floor or button down when there is no anomaly. 4 levels forward is actually an anomaly

We were checking every object on the floor and stil got send back. Wth did you cook man literally broken game

I recommend to enable "hints" option in settings. It will ley you know which anomaly you miss.


Played this game with my pals, we had a pretty good time. Good game!

bro, excellent game... you couldn't add the option to change your character's name and you could also add new skins

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game, its AWESOME, but I think it would be better if you add a stamina bar, apart from that, NICE!!!


this is one of the scariest games I've found on Itch. well done




Me and my gf enjoyed this a lot! Thanks for the game.


Great video, was fun to watch:)


Buen juego amigo, sigue asi.


en español que grande! lo voy a probar y dejo reseña luego graciasss




Nice this was really great game I like it very much anyway well done keep it up!

Thanks for playing <3

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